Dear Friends,
Many of you have so kindly and with genuine curiosity asked what our plans are considering our commitment is done at the end of Summer. You may ask what's next or if we're looking for jobs and, truth is, we're not totally sure what to say. For some we have told the whole truth, exactly where we're at. For others we've said "we don't know" or "were praying" and evaded the subject. The truth is this... We're in a place that's kind of odd to tell people about.
We truly feel that God is asking us to pray and spend our time seeking Him and that HE will be the one to speak to us the next step. I know, I know. I know it makes you want to stand up and preach to us about wisdom and using the brain God gave us. Rewind 2 years and I would have been the preacher too. But here's the thing. Taking Jesus and the Bible at His word is RUINING our lives. Ruining completely. But in such a good, blessed way.
We're learning that instead of seeking the answer to "what's next" we should be seeking HIM. If we truly believe He speaks (and we do!) then why would we not trust Him to tell us the "answer."
We're finding that our good ol' North American selves are really good at relying on OURSELVES rather than trusting in God. It's much easier to make our own plan, to look on this website and call that person, to beef up the resume and make ourselves look good. But since when in Gods economy was trusting in what we could do part of the plan? ITS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT TRUSTING HIM... COMPLETELY!
In Psalm 37 it says to "wait patiently for the LORD to act." Wait patiently for HIM. Suggesting that HE'S the one doing the work and we just get to join along with Him. (How awesome is that?!) So we're seeking the Lord WHOLEHEARTEDLY and we're waiting on Him to speak the next step.
We're praying He'll give us visions and words and crazy connections and dreams. We're surrendering and saying "show us what and where and when You want next." Yes of course I want to get on craigslist and Youth Specialties and whatever else I can think of. But why labor in vain if God already knows and has a great plan in mind?
We are praying and seeking and trusting. We are believing when He says HE will show us the next step.
And yes, God totally doesn't let us down (He hasn't yet and I'm quite certain He never will). Mark has had dreams before with answers to "what next". I've had pictures and words. There are absolutely people doing it the same way and reaping huge blessings! We're trying to live in faith and take Him at His word. Call us crazy but we HAVE to do it this way.
So... yeah... that's what we're doing about the next step :)
I think it's beautiful!